Monday 2 November 2009

Script for Childrens film - Ben's Mystical Box

Beginning -
Ben was 11 years old and clueless of the world. He was a happy boy. Ben loved the outdoors, he loved the fresh air, the blooming flowers, full of life and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. Ben's woodland walk was his favorite place.

Woodland Walk - Ben was curious of the wonderful treasures of life. He was determined to learn something new every day. This day Ben was sure that he would discover something new, and he was right.

Finding of the box - Ben's discovery of the the box would take him on an adventure he never thought possible. Part of him was just being a kid when he got into the box, but another part of him was sure that there was more to it. When he found the box to be magical he was astonished but more confused and everything seemed a blur. Ben was left with no answers.

Corridor - Ben just wanted someone to explain what had gone on. He was stranded in a deserted school. This is where Jewel comes into the story.

*This was a draft script and we used as a guideline for the voice over and it helped us know what we needed to say but the actual script is quite different and more continuous and flowing.

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