Monday 19 October 2009


Day 1:
Today we took the camera and tripod onto the long road site. We found our settings that we thought were appropriate for our film. 'Ben's Woodland' walk was the setting we agreed on. It was related to the film and was within the long road site. We also filmed in the corridor of C Block. It was difficult trying to find settings as we couldn't go out of the Long Road site. When we found the settings we had more of an idea about our opening sequence. We didn't really use the tripod and i think looking back it would have been better if we did.

Day 2 :
Today we found a box so we had to film all the shots that we couldn't do without the box. Our only difficulty today was change of clothing. Although there was nothing we could do about it the shots looked weird as the characters had changed clothes.

Day 3 :
Today we just had to make sure that all our filming was done and film any remaining shots that we needed to. It was the last day we needed to film. We had difficulties trying to film in the corridors today as there were a lot of people walking through.

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