Friday 9 October 2009

What is a Children's Film?:

A children's film is a film that is made specifically for the viewing of under twelves. This means that the content of the film has to very mild and suitable for children. The film has to be appropriate and clearly separate from a family or teenagers film. This means that the film has to be classified as a U or PG film.

What is a U Certificate?
A U film is suitable for everyone, specifically anyone over the age of four. This sort of film should not have any horror in, but if it has, this should be corrected immediatly with something reassuring. There should be no discrimination or drugs, horror should be infrequent and language should be very mild. There should only be natural nudity and mild sexual behaviour, e.g. mild kissing.

What is a PG Certificate?
A PG film stands for parental guidance, this means that a child can watch a film with their parent's consent. The film should not disturb anyone around the age of 8 or older. Discrimination cannot be used unless for historical or educational purposes, Horror should not last for long and sexual reference can be implied in the way of an innuendo.

What is the BBFC?
The BBFC stands for the British Board of Film Classification.They are an independent and a non-governmental body. It is the organisation legally responsible fro film classification in the United Kingdom. They are responsible for the current certificates like PG,U and 12 etc.

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