Tuesday 13 October 2009

Ideas for Opening Sequence

Ideas for opening sequence:

First Idea:
This idea would start off by giving the viewer an idea of horror with a main character running through a forest. This would then flashback and start telling the story, changing the mood to happy and relaxed. There would be four main characters as children in the film and the genre would be adventure.

Second Idea:
This idea would involve doing some sort of parody of the Ghostbusters. We would be running through the school with supersoakers attached to backpacks in the form of guns. We haven't really developed this idea, but thought it might make a good opening sequence for a funny children's film.

Third Idea:
Our third idea was along the lines of having a board game such as Monopoly, come to life and make imaginary creatures chase us around the school. Once again, this idea has not been fully developed so we are not 100% on it, but thought this would be another funny idea for a children's film.

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