Monday 12 October 2009

Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium

For the first two/three minutes of the film, there are animated titles. These are a direct clue that this is a children’s film. The animations and the music in the background work well to set the mood. The titles at the start of the film give the viewers minor clues to the narrative. The animations then fade out and into the first shot. This effect means the viewer is only shown part of the mise-en-scene but gradually expands to give the full picture. This is quite effective as in doesn’t give you the full picture straight away. The shot change after this drag on a lot longer as it is a pan of a bouncing ball. The narrator in the background introduces the story and relates to the viewers by talking directly at them. The voice of the narrator is child-like and he uses colloquial language. This means the audience (children) can relate to him more. He tells the story and talks about the main characters in the film, giving us clues to the narrative. The audience is then introduced to a character as well as his setting and surroundings. We are not introduced to the main characters or setting straight away which mis-leads the audience. The atmosphere seems to be calm. With all the clues form the opening the genre of the film seems to be adventure/ fantasy. There is a continuous and logical flow throughout the sequence. There are no quick shot changes and I think this helps the audience (children) understand the sequence easier. The narrator is also in time with everything that the viewers see. The music is also in time with everything that the viewers see, it goes from high to low remaining in sync with the narrator and the mood and atmosphere. This opening sequence is engaging and maintains a continuous flow through the sequence which I think we need to consider in making our opening sequence.

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